GIRO Recycling Department Reopening : Phase 2


GIRO Recycling Department Reopening : Phase 2

From Wednesday 17th June the Recycling Department will be expanding their range of services to include the following materials:

Please make sure all of your recyclables have been cleaned before drop off

  • Food Glass jars and bottles
  • All Refundables: pop and beer cans, glass wine, liquor, beer and pop bottles, all drinks in plastic bottles, wine boxes, juice and water tetra paks
  • Tetra Paks: milk and milk substitutes, soup and juice
  • Aluminum cans and foil
  • Tin cans
  • Paper products
  • Stetchy plastics
  • Rigid plastics
  • Newsprint
  • Cardboard
  • Batteries
  • Lightbulbs
  • Printer Cartridges
  • Paint and Aerosols
  • Hazardous waste

If you have curbside collection please continue to fully utilize your blue box program and place materials curbside. Diverting those materials reduces costs for GIRO.


At this time, we will NOT be accepting any drop offs for the metal bin and the aluminum bin.

Customers will NOT be allowed to browse/shop in the yard

The Restore will NOT be open

NO DROP OFFS for clothing and housewares

Please continue to check our website, or follow or like our Facebook page, for up to date information.

Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation.

You are donating to : GIRO Donation Form

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s)
How many times would you like this to recur? (including this payment) *
Name *
Last Name *
Email *
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