GIRO Reopening : Phase 3


GIRO Reopening : Phase 3

As of JULY 1st GIRO will be resuming its normal operating hours

WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY 9:30am-4pm, with the drive-in gate closing at 3:30pm.

We are pleased to announce that the Recycling department as of Wednesday July 1st will be resuming ALL SERVICES. This includes drop offs for the metal bins and allowing customers to browse the yard for materials for reuse.

When arriving on site to drop off any metal, please speak to a member of staff to follow safety protocol and adhere to parking restrictions.

The Receiving area at the back of the building will also reopen for receiving donations of Housewares and Clothing on Wednesday July 1st.

Please follow onsite instructions regarding drop off procedures.

And the moment most of you have been waiting for…..

The Restore will be reopening on Saturday JULY 4th

Due to COVID-19 there will be significant changes to your shopping experience in the Restore:

  • Payment by debit card only, NO CASH ACCEPTED
  • Trying on clothing will be prohibited
  • Maximum six people allowed in the Restore at any one time
  • Shopping/browsing time will be limited to 20 minutes per person to reduce the amount of time spent queuing
  • Physical distancing measures apply

You are donating to : GIRO Donation Form

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s)
How many times would you like this to recur? (including this payment) *
Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Additional Note