Donation Options

Help to ensure GIROs longevity by making a donation today

GIRO is a self-funded non-profit organization. The majority of our funding comes from our Re-Store, revenue generated from our recycling department and through donations from people like you. The Gabriola Island Recycling Organization is a registered Canadian charity and you will receive a charitable tax-deduction receipt for your donation. You can help to ensure GIROs longevity by making a donation in any of the ways outlined below. We also offer a Legacy Giving option for those considering including GIRO in their will.

Donating through Canada Helps

Using the Canada Helps website is a secure and simple way to donate online, and they will issue your tax receipt immediately for a one-time donation. Alternatively, you can make small (or large!) automatic monthly transfers from your bank account or credit card. Tax receipts are issued annually for monthly donations. You can also donate securities. All donations may be anonymous if you wish.

Donating directly to GIRO

If you prefer, you can donate directly to GIRO by cheque, or via Interac e-transfer. After donating, please ensure you complete our tax receipt information form so that we may issue you a tax receipt for your donation at the end of the year.

Donations by Cheque

For donations by cheque, the recipient should be:

Gabriola Island Recycling Organization
700 Tin Can Alley
Gabriola, BC V0R 1X3

Note: if the donation is to aid in our C2C Initiative specifically, please put “C2C” in the memo line of your donation.

Donations via INTERAC e-Transfer

You can e-transfer your donation using INTERAC e-transfer by using the following e-mail address:

The Society will issue tax receipts annually. Please ensure you complete our tax receipt information form so that we may have all the information needed to send you a receipt.

You are donating to : GIRO Donation Form

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s)
How many times would you like this to recur? (including this payment) *
Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Additional Note