Legacy Giving

Your Legacy Gift to the Future

Leave GIRO a place in your will.

In these critical years of climate change, make your mark by helping GIRO continue the services and programs that change the ways we think and act on planet Earth. Never before has GIRO’s rethinking mission been more important, more urgent.

There are many ways to leave a legacy.

For example, gifts of investments showing large capital gains can provide tax advantages for your estate and for GIRO.

Contact Michelle Kresnyak @  (250) 247-9257 to learn more. Become part of GIRO’s tomorrow.

You are donating to : GIRO Donation Form

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s)
How many times would you like this to recur? (including this payment) *
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Last Name *
Email *
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