
Help GIRO help the community

The dedicated and hard working staff at GIRO could not provide such a wide range of recycling and reuse services without the help of our regular volunteers. And we can always use more volunteers!

I feel I can make a difference to the environment when I help out at GIRO.

Volunteer opportunities include working on days when the Depot is open (Wednesdays and Saturdays) or on days when it is closed to the public. You can volunteer on a weekly basis for a minimum of 2 hours up to a full day.

It's fun and it connects me to the community.

Being a GIRO volunteer is a great way to meet people and to help out your community by actively contributing to the preservation of our natural environment.

To fill out a volunteer request form, come on in during business hours and speak to any of the GIRO staff.

You are donating to : GIRO Donation Form

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s)
How many times would you like this to recur? (including this payment) *
Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Additional Note